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Posts posted by youbetterwork

  1. On 11/18/2022 at 6:51 PM, Sean1777 said:

    HI anyones knows how to use console to get it? 

    Press the tilde key (~) to bring up (or close) the cheat console.

    In console type 'help' and then the name of the armor, or the beginning of the name. For example, if you wanted to get yourself ebony weapons and armor, you'd type:

    help ebony

    And the console will show you the IDs (the item code) of every item with ebony in its name. (use page up/down to scroll) You can then use the additem command to get the items.

    Press the tilde key (~) to bring up (or close) the cheat console.

    Type "player. addItem" followed by the item code and the desired quantity. For example, to add 9,999 gold to your inventory, enter: "player.addItem 0000000F 9999"

    Press Enter.

  2. 2 hours ago, SavrenX said:

    Eh something wrong wrong with conversion process ? Seems the meshes shiny broken ? That metal should shiny not dark like that.

    You can see the gloves shiny there and the rest like lost cubemap. Make sure convert all textures to dxt5. Le can't read my bc7 textures.

    Yes, the cubemap got corrupted on conversion to dxt5. If LE users want it to be shiny, they can choose the vanilla wrtemple_e cubemap and it looks very close (or quickdarksky_e for evil version). But for my game, everything is rusted and grey ENB, so I didn't even notice. 😅

    I really like the semi-transparent cloth. I should learn to make clothes to make more cloth like that!



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  3. On 1/5/2022 at 2:04 PM, finn31 said:

    Just a quick question. Is it allowed to post characters from other mods? As in characters created by other people, not me. I wanna share some images and video-clips here on the forum but I'm not sure about the policy regarding other's people work. From what I've seen so far, it looks like original content only. But fingers are crossed.

    I have posted pictures of other people's npcs in my game. There are a lot of good follower mods, so I think pictures of them are fair. 

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