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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    this is just a body replacer and head textures replacer for the Male NPC Overhaul ,you need to download the mainfile then use the patch here to overwrite it. only download one of the patch,just choose the one you like i use kouleifoh' high poly body conversion v1.5 in this patch,so if your 'HDT BBB Bounce' don't work, i suggest you take the body meshes in your folder(data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/...) to replace those body meshes in my patch(data/meshes/actors/character/bnm/body/fs/...) malebody_0.nif malebody_1.nif malehand_0.nif malehand_1.nif malefeet_0.nif malefeet_1.nif credit SAM Light by kouleifoh SAM light texture add on SAM high poly conversion
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.3.0


    This is an LE backport of hiro male hair, made by hiromaxi All credits to hiromaxi and the various hair creators mentioned in his page. Be sure to check out hiro's original file here, it has the rest of the photos of the hair, and like and follow him.🥰
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