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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2016 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    @Khlas I get it... you are disappointed, and I'm sure you're not the only one... but how do you think I feel right now, when I know I have ppl lashing out on me on HoT (and to be honest I dont even dare to go look, as I dont want to get any more annoyed and I dont want to further escalate the problem). You are free to disagree about my actions, but I'm doing it to protect my work and interests, not yours, not LadyMoiraine's, not anyone else. Do you by any chance think that I abandoned SAM or HoT because I didnt felt like doing it anymore? It was a really hard decision to make, and not entirely by choice. I did it, because I felt threatened there. And LadyM knows the reasons very well, and she was more interested in not solving the issue, than to rather have me there. Do you know how hard it feels for me, not being able to work on my own work? to not be able to further develop SAM, which is something that I loved doing? I wonder how would you feel, if someone who threatens you and your health, would be everyday by the doorstep of your house or your job. I can't return to HoT, I won't, and I'm not giving up this time on my own work, not anymore, and specially when I have legally every right to do so. In June, I gave LadyMoiraine her last chance to make things work, the rules were clearly established, its not my fault that she breached the EULA. Its not like I mind controlled her to do so... She should have been wiser, and in case she had any doubt she should have asked. You dont shoot first and ask later, specially when there's a written document. If you dont agree with the EULA, again, dont use the mod. I'm not forcing you or anyone to do it. But if you do, you are bound to it, either you like it or not, and either you like it or not, copyrights are protected under law and under the Berne Convention/Treaty. If you dont agree, you are also disagreeing on this, and that no copyrights should exist and authors should not have any rights over their works. Its appalling to see someone thinking this way, and if you do, again, I urge you to leave, as I have no intentions of ever disrespecting any authors works, specially when they are provided for free... Free does not mean you can do whatever you want. Free means that someone is willing to share stuff for free, not handing you the rights to do whatever you want. Also, LadyMoiraine already knew this was happening for about a week now, as I asked Felio to rely my intentions to her in advance before I would send any e-mail to her, so she could have time to be angry, to vent, and to chill about it. Felio also informed me that he would also help her to determine what was ok to stay on HoT, and what was copyrighted work and/or derivative. Felio's own mod, is an excellent example of a mod that could very well stay on HoT as I have no copyrights over it, so I would never take action against it. This was also expressed to LadyM via mail by me, back in January. As far as Felio told me, LadyM told him that she didnt wanted for the SAM forum to be gone. Today, at 16h42 GMT I sent her the e-mail informing her about the EULA violation, about what were her rights, and that I, was the only one that could give permissions to allow edits or mods that were done over my work, as anyone can read the EULA, and revoking her her rights of publishing. I also told her that the EULA changes were to come into effect in 30 days from today, which is the period already established in the EULA for any changes to the document. In no way did I asked her to remove either everything or did I asked her to remove it today, she has 30 days to do so. If you are disappointed, go over at HoT, and express your disappointment to LadyMoiraine, not me... she was the one, that failed to follow the agreement, not me, and again, I gave her the chance to discuss the EULA, as you can read on the e-mails I posted. Its really mind blowing seeing ppl blaming me for a mistake I did not made. Its also worthy to mention that when I decided to leave about 2 years ago, before I requested my ban on Nexus, I did uploaded both Mighty Beasts and Brute Argonian Male to Hall of Torque, so people could still have access to them. Not only that, I also uploaded those minor mods for spriggans/flame atronach, and even while being super depressed I set myself to finish the Schlong Stones mod which I was working at the time to take a small break from SAM. Really good times! Working on a mod to publish it before I abandoned everything, while kicking myself out because I was feeling like crap and like shit, being sucked into the black hole of depression... talk about being selfish uh? working on a mod while crying at the same time! Woohoo!!! Anyway... I'm disappointed at all this, as much as you are, for different reasons ofc. And I'm sorry if you think I'm being selfish, or whatever, and if you feel that I'm a dictator, I really couldnt care less... you ppl have really no idea how much time and effort I spent on SOS or SAM, or any other mod I work on... I'm very persistent, and sometimes I would spend week after week with a 3 hour sleep each night, and I would barely do anything else but trying to understand how to do several thingsthe things I wanted to, which btw, no one else ever did... sometimes I would be on the verge of giving up. And I do it, because I like it... And... I dont mind sharing what I do. But I really couldnt care less if I share with everyone or not. Before setting up my site back in June, I shared both my D:OS and XCOM 2 mod privately with friends who I trusted. I dont mind going back to that really, and I would still keep up my site, exclusively for my Patrons, but if at some point I feel the need to block the access to my site to the general public, dont doubt for a second that I wont do it. I've already put the community before my interests 2 years ago when I left... and from now on, I'll just start being selfish, and defend my interests only. After this all ordeal, I'm not even sure if I'm going to keep my game raffle anymore... so don't expect I'll do one in December during the next Steam Sale... or even expect that I'll keep giving ppl free access to my site and work. I wont be here on my own site being judged by ppl I dont know from anywhere. Its not a dictatorship, its simply my home, you come in, I'm your host, and you're my guest, you must follow my rules, its pretty simple. Anyway... about your mod... it might be a bit pointless to share anything for now, specially if it relates to ESPs or Scripts, as I'm bound to be working on them pretty soon, but you are free to do so, maybe tomorrow when I'm feeling a bit better and can start giving ppl's author membership so you can upload whatever you want... Also feeling really tired and exausted about all this discussion, right now I cant even decide basic needs like getting a coffee or try to go to sleep...
  2. 1 point

    From the album: VectorPlexus

    This was the Chris Redfield I did when I first started to work on my XCOM 2 mod. Current Chris head is more of a Placeholder, I will work on it again in the future

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