About This File
He is equipped with full steel plate sans helmet, a steel mace, a steel shield, and a hunting bow with steel arrows.
Follower can be found in the Bannered Mare.
Marriage is enabled. It is recommended you have your own home before marriage as his home is technically the Bannered Mare. You will get Lover's Comfort from the inn bed but you will still have to pay to use it.
Recommended SAM Morph Settngs: (Samson: 38; Samuel: 20; Furball Body Hair Option)
Some people have reported crashing when entering the Bannered Mare. I am not playing on Anniversary Edition. If you are crashing on AE, you may have to downgrade. Your other option is to load the mod into the Creation Kit, click on the ARTHANGrozhak actor and export the facegen data with F4. You should not have to add the exported file to the mod folder. This is how I fixed the black face bug when I updated.
Improved Eyes of Skyrim
KS Hairdos (only male version is required)
NEXUS VERSION: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/51807?tab=description
Heavy Armored Pants - Circusf18
Improved Eyes of Skyrim - missjennabee and Nazenn
KS Hairdos - Kalilies and Stealthic
Beards - Hvergelmir
Brows - Hvergelmir
Shape Atlas for Men - Vector
SAM Light, SAM High Poly Conversion, SAM Morphs for Racemenu, SAM Light Texture Addon - KouLeifoh
What's New in Version 1.2 See changelog
Mod Updated: Missing facetint textures were added; this should fix the crashing, if it doesn't I don't know what's wrong with it. For the record, I'm not playing on AE. If you still have crashing, try exporting the facegen textures in the creation kit, by loading the mod, selecting the actor, and hit Control + F4; don't forget to save. Also, I am planning to create a High Poly version of this mod.