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Class Armor Poll - September



Class Armor Poll - September  

25 members have voted

This poll is closed to new votes
  1. 1. What class are you playing right now?

    • Barbarian (2H warrior with light armor)
    • Knight (classic soldier style heavy armor, sword & board fighter)
    • Nightblade (warrior with some dark/shadow/illusion spells)
    • Thief
    • Assasin
    • Paladin (heavy armor warrior with focus on restoration/holy spells)
    • Wizard (pure mage build)
    • Druid (light armor mage with nature-esque spells, somewhat like Forsworn theme)
    • Priest
    • Bard
    • War Mage / Battlemage (heavy armor magician)
    • Necromancer
    • Atronach-focused Conjurer
    • Dremora-focused Summoner
    • Dragoon (dragoon-themed spear fighter)
    • Monk (unarmed fist fighter)
    • Alchemist (potion & poison-based fighter)

  • Please sign in or register to vote in this poll.
  • Poll closed on 09/17/2020 at 07:51 PM

Pick your fave and I'll make an armor for that class. If what you want isn't on the list, feel free to suggest me in the comments.


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Hmm... maybe you could do a Paladin-Wizard-Dragoon hybrid? I mean seeing the tie between the three. LOL

Edited by FenrirVII

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Those three have different aesthetics 😂 

If it ends with a tie, I'll make another poll with the tied votes. 

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