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Body morphs keep resetting

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I had this problem for quite a while now just lazy enough to not look for a fix, any body morphs i do in any follower (whatever race they are) all their XPMSSE body morphs will get reset when i load a new mod or remove a mod, which is very annoying.

The morphs works fine, but just when i do these actions they suddenly get reset which i can't understand why... i have XPMSSE overwriting SAM Light and then i have bodymorphs for SAM. I use the bodymorphs from SAM + XPMSSE and it works for the most part until i have to load a new mod then i have to put all the values again on the XPMSSE morphs.

My PC never gets reset which is weird... i never saw anyone here (or anywhere else lol) with this issue so i wonder if i'm doing something wrong, i've seen some people have issues with their bodymorphs for XPMSSE but then everything gets reset, including their characters and upon a loading screen, which is not my case.

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