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Found 6 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    About: A patch for wolvyn's split pants patch of krei's skimpy armors, a patch for the patch because im tired of not having BILF with the base armors of the game AND im tired of waiting someone to do it so i sacrificed myself for the greater good (this took 3 hours so if you complain there will be deth) 💅✨ I'm providing only the bodyslide parts so you can build it however you want to for your bilf's desire, I use extreme bilfication so some clothes had some minor clipping on my part, so it could have some on your end too, nothing too crazy though, the only armors i havent covered were the guards armors bcz i use Seductive Guards and robes from the wizards, bcs i use the skimpy version from Baddog. Another note is that i use Savrenx prisoner rags, so i used that mesh instead of the base game, so if you want the textures youll have to go after his version. Notes: READ THIS so you dont come for my wig later, YES you'll have to schlongifyfifyur each armor because who created SOS did not thought of a spell to do that, but you only have to do that once and it'll affect all copies of the armor AND i recommend using Savrenx BILF Thong because it can hide the pee pee so you dont have to stare at the thing 24/7, as much as i love to stare at it being hard while doing a very serious quest is not the tea for me. You don't need to download anything besides seductive guards if you want guards covered and savrenx's prisoner rags for the textures. FYI making this post was very hard because this website is very unstable so please give your props to vector so we can still use this website for all the gayz needs Credits: Savrenx KreisTE Wolvyn
  2. View File [SE] DX Necromancer BILF Patch About: A messy refit I did back in the day now in BILF size! No I did not remade the refit and fixed the errors because im lazy, but now you can have this armor set with your favorite BILF Requirements: [DX] Necromancer SAM Light Refit + All its requirements Credits: SavrenX Submitter Nathy Submitted 05/20/2024 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by Anniversary Edition compatible No  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    About: A messy refit I did back in the day now in BILF size! No I did not remade the refit and fixed the errors because im lazy, but now you can have this armor set with your favorite BILF Requirements: [DX] Necromancer SAM Light Refit + All its requirements Credits: SavrenX
  4. View File [SE] Wolvyn's Split Pants BILF Patch About: A patch for wolvyn's split pants patch of krei's skimpy armors, a patch for the patch because im tired of not having BILF with the base armors of the game AND im tired of waiting someone to do it so i sacrificed myself for the greater good (this took 3 hours so if you complain there will be deth) 💅✨ I'm providing only the bodyslide parts so you can build it however you want to for your bilf's desire, I use extreme bilfication so some clothes had some minor clipping on my part, so it could have some on your end too, nothing too crazy though, the only armors i havent covered were the guards armors bcz i use Seductive Guards and robes from the wizards, bcs i use the skimpy version from Baddog. Another note is that i use Savrenx prisoner rags, so i used that mesh instead of the base game, so if you want the textures youll have to go after his version. Notes: READ THIS so you dont come for my wig later, YES you'll have to schlongifyfifyur each armor because who created SOS did not thought of a spell to do that, but you only have to do that once and it'll affect all copies of the armor AND i recommend using Savrenx BILF Thong because it can hide the pee pee so you dont have to stare at the thing 24/7, as much as i love to stare at it being hard while doing a very serious quest is not the tea for me. You don't need to download anything besides seductive guards if you want guards covered and savrenx's prisoner rags for the textures. FYI making this post was very hard because this website is very unstable so please give your props to vector so we can still use this website for all the gayz needs Credits: Savrenx KreisTE Wolvyn Submitter Nathy Submitted 05/13/2024 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by Anniversary Edition compatible No  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    About this mod: A simple patch I made for Kreis Skimpy Outfits, it adds a thong to the Daedric Armor, because even I get tired of looking at my character's horse penis lmao Requirements: SAM High Poly Conversion - for HP body (hard requirement) Install/Uninstall: Use your mod manager or just drop the files into Skyrim Special Edition/Data - and overwrite all files. It's a replacer to an original armor, if you want to revert it you'll have to run the Bodyslide file for the Daedric armor again. Known Issues: - There's no known issues. Credits and Special Thanks: kreiste for the original Daedric Armor refit air for the SAM Reffiting Guide KouLeifoh for High Poly body VectorPlexus (duh)
  6. View File [Kreis] KSO Daedric Thong Patch About this mod: A simple patch I made for Kreis Skimpy Outfits, it adds a thong to the Daedric Armor, because even I get tired of looking at my character's horse penis lmao Requirements: SAM High Poly Conversion - for HP body (hard requirement) Install/Uninstall: Use your mod manager or just drop the files into Skyrim Special Edition/Data - and overwrite all files. It's a replacer to an original armor, if you want to revert it you'll have to run the Bodyslide file for the Daedric armor again. Known Issues: - There's no known issues. Credits and Special Thanks: kreiste for the original Daedric Armor refit air for the SAM Reffiting Guide KouLeifoh for High Poly body VectorPlexus (duh) Submitter Nathy Submitted 12/31/2022 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by Anniversary Edition compatible No  
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