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  1. Version 1.3


    This is Geralt's Ursine armor that I ported from The Witcher 3 for SAM with support for Samson/Samuel morphs. It's a partial port in that I didn't port the coat since it requires recreating from scratch and it's not something I'm currently interested in trying. With the absence of the coat, I instead ported the shoulder belt and fur from the Undvik armor. This set was intended to be used as part of my unarmed combat playthrough. The Witcher 3 applies texture blending during gameplay to create extremely detailed textures. To compensate for this in Skyrim, I increased the normal maps to 2k, blended the appropiate normal map detail textures, and applied the ambient occlusion map to the mesh using vertex colors. Armor parts: The armor parts can be crafted under the dragon armor section while the shoulder belt is in the Misc section. They share the same stats as the dragon plate armor set. The shoulder belt has no stats and is pureley cosmetic, but it can be enchanted with the same enchantments as jewelry. Requirements: Male skeleton from SAM or XPMSE (classic, SE) High Poly SAM versions v0 - high poly body + high poly hands (no fingernail mesh) v1 - high poly body + high poly hands (fingernail mesh with separate texture) v2 - high poly body + high poly hands (fingernail mesh with texture on hands) This mod is exclusive to www.vectorplexus.com and must not be uploaded anywhere else.
  2. View File Revealing Hide Armor for SAM Lite SE I love Hide Armor so much but unfortunately current this armor got big clippings then I tried to improve skirts bones weights and make this armor get revealing. This skirt potion of meshes is doubleness then some clippings are still remained by animations but they are modestly improved so far. This armor has basically compatibility with HDT but L and R Butt weights are omitted. This armor's selling point is to have compatible with considerable large genitals? Requirements - SAM Lite for SE - HDT BBB Bounce for SAM Credits - Thanks for KouLeifoh Submitter Kyoshi Submitted 11/24/2019 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  3. View File Fur Armor replacement Replace 3 kinds of Fur Armor and Fur Helmet by Shaokahn Cloth. Back up your "meshes\armor\bandit" folder before replacing. Requirement: For Skyrim LE: SAM HDT BBB Bounce for SAM (for Chest & Butt bounce, not hard required) For Skyrim SE: SAM Light HDT BBB Bounce for SAM (for Chest & Butt bounce, not hard required) SAM Morphs for RaceMenu (for Samson & Samuel morph, not hard required) Shaokahn model was from https://www.deviantart.com/deexie/art/Shao-Kahn-Mk-vs-DC-Updated-455356193 Submitter sweetboy_37 Submitted 11/20/2019 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  4. View File El SEVERINI Follower for SAM ( Skyrim SE ) I think many of you already use this follower before. The author, Elza left skyrim and closed her data ( From what i read on loverslab ). Still Credit to her because this Severini originally belong to her. This file spreading everywhere like abandoned. But like i said before, credit to her. Incase she contact me someday and want me to remove it, i will. For now just enjoy SAM Severini. I patched the neck and Severini automatically use any sam body. You need SAM Light and SAM Light Add On skin. This Severini compatible with my sos patch too directly. Enjoy then. Find him in The Frozen Hearth of Winterhold. Submitter Don Submitted 11/22/2019 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  5. View File SavrenX Vampire Lord Tank ( Skyrim SE ) Hate skinny vampire lord ? here use this Samson Vampire Lord. I add crown for extra armor. The skin customize totally mixed original and other skin. Credit to vampire lord retextures because i use that mod as ingredients too. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23775/ Put this After skeleton XP32 or XMPSE or whatever i forgot the name. XD. The wings bigger. So that's why we can't let default vampire lord skeleton overwrite it. Put this last order is the best. This vampire lord made from old SAM stuff so i post it on Vectorplexus. Try running on the ground with this vamp lord. He looks like Hulk running. Hahaha. I love it. I use bigger default wings because i want to see his BODY. I don't want use grimoa wings or anything. I like see his muscle and running. Have fun then. Submitter Don Submitted 11/10/2019 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  6. View File Darkbrotherhood and Glass armor replacement It's time for some sexy butt and back view. Let's see your character manly butt bounce when playing Skyrim ^.^ Replace Darkbrotherhood armor and Glass armor. Butt and chest bounce support, Samson & Samuel morph support. This is simple mesh replacement. Back up your Darkbrotherhood armor and Glass armor meshes before replace! This is Skyrim LE mesh, but it should work on Skyrim SE, too. Required SAM or SAM Light, HDT BBB Bounce for SAM Update: Thank Kyoshi very much for the SE tweaks Submitter sweetboy_37 Submitted 10/24/2019 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  7. Version 1.2.0


    DESCRIPTION More refits!! This is a refit of an outfit based on Olgierd Von Everec from The Witcher games, worn by Heiko. This is a standalone mod--You do not need the original .esp. This is by far the most time consuming refit I've done so far, with 6! pieces of armor. All have been refitted for SAM. Enjoy! Each piece: Can be crafted at any forge, and is considered leather armor. Can be improved at an armor station. HDT compatible. Armor pieces included: Olgierd Robe - 28 Armor rating Olgierd Boots - 8 Armor rating Olgierd Ring - 0 Armor rating Olgierd Gloves - 8 Armor rating Olgierd Robes Alt (only shirt and pants, no skirt) - 28 Armor rating Olgierd Revealing Robes! - 28 Armor rating In terms of armor rating, that makes it about on par with the Shrouded Armor set, without the fancy enchantments. But you can add your own! HOW TO OBTAIN Two ways of obtaining armor in-game: Craft it at a forge (requires leather & strips, and a gold ingot for the ring). Cheat! 'help olgierd' will show you the item's code 'player.additem xxxxx 1' will give you 1 of the item. (replace 'xxxxx' with the code you found with the previous command) INSTALLATION Manually: Simply extract the folders into your Skyrim\Data folder, or use Mod Manager to do it for you. With mod manager: Don't extract. In NMM, click 'Add mod from file' (shown below) Find your copy of '[SAM] Olgierd Armor.7z' that you downloaded, hit ok. Look for it in the 'unassigned' category of the 'mods' tab. Once you install it you may delete the .7z file. (NMM keeps its own copy ). Final notes: If you wish to use Heiko's version, simply drop the .esp, 'textures', and 'meshes' folders into your Skyrim data directory and overwrite. If you go this route, you will need to do some additional tweaking to fix the follower Heiko as he uses hardcoded skin textures which are not compatible with SAM. If you are wondering which ENB I used for the screenshots, it is Project ENB - fantasy preset. This was the most challenging refit by far but I'm pretty happy with the result. Let me know if you notice any issues!! I'm still new at this. Hopefully more refits to come. : ) Credits Thanks to Heiko for granting permission to use their awesome armors and textures! Also thanks to Kouleifoh for the HDT BBB and high poly conversion mod.
  8. Version 1.3


    This is Geralt's Wolf armor that I ported from Witcher 3 for SAM. It has support for Samson/Samuel morphs. Armor and Weapon parts: It can be crafted under the Elven section. The stats are the same as dragonscale armor and intended for endgame. The belt is tagged as a helmet to take advantage of perks with set bonuses. Requirements: Male skeleton from SAM or XPMSE (classic, SE) Known Issues: Texture in jacket armpit areas Shoulder belt along collar while crouching This mod is exclusive to www.vectorplexus.com and must not be uploaded anywhere else.
  9. View File [SAM] Olgierd Von Everec DESCRIPTION More refits!! This is a refit of an outfit based on Olgierd Von Everec from The Witcher games, worn by Heiko. This is a standalone mod--You do not need the original .esp. This is by far the most time consuming refit I've done so far, with 6! pieces of armor. All have been refitted for SAM. Enjoy! Each piece: Can be crafted at any forge, and is considered leather armor. Can be improved at an armor station. HDT compatible. Armor pieces included: Olgierd Robe - 28 Armor rating Olgierd Boots - 8 Armor rating Olgierd Ring - 0 Armor rating Olgierd Gloves - 8 Armor rating Olgierd Robes Alt (only shirt and pants, no skirt) - 28 Armor rating Olgierd Revealing Robes! - 28 Armor rating In terms of armor rating, that makes it about on par with the Shrouded Armor set, without the fancy enchantments. But you can add your own! HOW TO OBTAIN Two ways of obtaining armor in-game: Craft it at a forge (requires leather & strips, and a gold ingot for the ring). Cheat! 'help olgierd' will show you the item's code 'player.additem xxxxx 1' will give you 1 of the item. (replace 'xxxxx' with the code you found with the previous command) INSTALLATION Manually: Simply extract the folders into your Skyrim\Data folder, or use Mod Manager to do it for you. With mod manager: Don't extract. In NMM, click 'Add mod from file' (shown below) Find your copy of '[SAM] Olgierd Armor.7z' that you downloaded, hit ok. Look for it in the 'unassigned' category of the 'mods' tab. Once you install it you may delete the .7z file. (NMM keeps its own copy ). Final notes: If you wish to use Heiko's version, simply drop the .esp, 'textures', and 'meshes' folders into your Skyrim data directory and overwrite. If you go this route, you will need to do some additional tweaking to fix the follower Heiko as he uses hardcoded skin textures which are not compatible with SAM. If you are wondering which ENB I used for the screenshots, it is Project ENB - fantasy preset. This was the most challenging refit by far but I'm pretty happy with the result. Let me know if you notice any issues!! I'm still new at this. Hopefully more refits to come. : ) Credits Thanks to Heiko for granting permission to use their awesome armors and textures! Also thanks to Kouleifoh for the HDT BBB and high poly conversion mod. Submitter watilla Submitted 05/06/2019 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  10. SAM SE - Vanilla Armor Refit View File These are simply the armors I have already converted for Oldrim, converted over to SE. They will work as is, if you want functioning morphs then you must also have KouLeifoh's SAM Morphs for RaceMenu. There are a few 1st person body meshes missing that I forgot to do. Other than that, this is mostly complete. Credits: VectorPlexus for SAM KouLeifoh for getting SAM to work in SE Bethesda for Skyrim Permissions: Do what you want with these, just give credit. Submitter rhavik Submitted 09/01/2018 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim  
  11. View File VLSIMU: Vanilla-Like Schlong Interactive Male Underwear for SAM This is a crude SAM supported conversion package of my mashed-up male underwear mod, VLSIMU: Vanilla-Like Schlong Interactive Male Underwear, originally hosted on LL. This package (v 1.1.0) is standalone, so you don't have to download the original one from LL (optional outfitlist.esp is included in optional_outfitlistlist subfolder) as well as older version to update. [Add]: [Feb. 13, 2019]: This package does not need to update in accordance with the latest SAM Morphs for Racemenu v 1.0.4+ . Features: Almost vanilla-looking (loincloth-style) underwear for male actors, with flexible front side 'apron' that can move in accordance with the movement of the wearer's schlong. That is to say, no more his schlong sticking directly out from the cloth. Compatible with BOTH SAM: Shape Atlas for Men (full) & SAM Light , suporting from samson/ samuel from ca. -20 to +80 onwards, Use equipment slot 56 (instead of slot 52, unlike other male underwear mod), so it does not hide your PC's manly bit entirely while he put it on. No Script, very light-weight (i.e. low poly mesh/low-res texture...) I hope it works both for Skyrim LE and Skyrim SSE. Really sorry, I've also uploaded meshes (only) optimized version for SSE users, but you have to convert .esp file to SSE by youself (and SSE CK). [Updated] .esp/ .esl file, together with meshes, in v 1.1a package is finally properly converted fully to SSE. Constructable with one roll of linen wrap and two leather strips, at the tanning rack. No smithing skill/perk required. Supposed to be hidden under (almost) all vanilla armors or clothes. Male only. If female can try put it on, the underwear will just not show up on their body (i,e. she will remain nude). The mod itself does not distribute the underwear to other NPCs in the game. Although I personally cannot recommend, if you REALLY wish to achieve such a thing, check below. Also includes crafting only (i.e. not distributed to NPCs) three variants of the underwears. Red (linen: additionally requiring five pieces of Red Mountain Flowers as dye when crafted), Green (linen: additionally requiring five pieces of Lavenders as dye), and soft touch leather one (requiring one piece of Leather instead of Linen Wrap). Known Incompatibilities/ Problems: Basic Principle: While any SAM revealing replacers of the vanilla outfits should be loaded AFTER this mod, any NON-revealing armors/ clothings should be loaded BEFORE this one to patch AA (as for how to do, see below) for hiding the underwear. Any other armor/ cloth mod that occupies the equipment slot 56. I assume that, however, few male armor mods use this slot, and even if female actor tries to put it on, other equipments (using the same slot) should be prioritized in the game. Non-vanilla armors/ clothes (including Replacers) will not hide the underwear unless the patch is not made (how to make it compatible with TESVEdit, check the following SS: http://imgur.com/GTmOVO5 If you wish to use this underwear together (only) with some revealing armors, you don't have to tweak armor/cloth's AA for hiding slot 56, as instructed above. Just install and put on the underwear as well as the revealing armor together. Some clippings especially while sneaking/ running especially for HDT bouncing body. Due to its nature of tweaking armor add-ons of all the vanilla armors and clothes to hide the slot 56, I assume that I carry forwards almost all the 'fixes' of armor add-ons done by USLEEP (and CRF as well) that can be done without any dependency also into this mod's .esp. Fixes of the other overhaul mods like CCF are currently not supported, however. How to distribute the underwear to other NPCs in the game? (though I strongly wish to dissuade you to try) #Except for the option A, you will definitely need some basic knowledge on TESVedit/ CK. Option A: Use Underpants (http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1878-underpants/) Option B: Integrate this mod's asset with Andrelo's Vanilla Underwear for ALL, and rely on her/ his other mods, Outfit filter and updater (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71342/) and Undergarment distribution (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71308/). Option C : If you achieve it by non-scripting ways, you can make use of my optional .esp, titled as vanilla_male_npc_outfitlist_vlsimu.esp, as instructed below. Put vanilla_male_npc_outfitlist_vlsimu.esp below in your load order (preferably just above your bashed/merged patch). Open this .esp and your other mods together with TESVEdit. Carry forward all the conflicting record into NPC's outfit entry of this .esp (see SS). http://imgur.com/5fSa1L1 NB: You have to make a patch by yourself by tweaking the outfit list of other additional mods. NB2: If you install vanilla_male_npc_outfitlist_vlsimu.esp in course of your play through (i.e. not from the new game), the actors those who had already appeared in the game would be not affected by this outfit change. So, it's best to install vanilla_male_npc_outfitlist_vlsimu.esp from the new game. Sorry for your inconvenience. Credits: SOS - Male Skimpy Crouch underwear for SOS by DarkSchneiderBS for the flexible mesh/ weighting of the front side 'apron'. It was her/him who invented the interactive mesh, and I just adapted it to the vanilla-style underwear. HD Sacks Retexture by Mazarin for the re-texture base (cloth/ soft-leather: diffuse as well as normal maps). Compared with other candidate material (some of them were clearly high-resolution like 1K/ even 2K), only 512x512 resolution pieces of her/his sack looked really good so that I decided to re-texture of the loincloth based on them. USLEEP team: for some additional meshes (Added patched Penitus Oclatus 1st person torso for maximum compatibility without any master dependency). Of course, Vector for SAM original. jorrob96 for the topic 'How I refit armors': https://vectorplexus.com/topic/651-how-i-refit-armors/ Submitter y_sengaku Submitted 09/12/2018 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim  
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