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    AB-SO-LUTE-LY HOT Seriously, just like I imagined him - minus one thing - in my personal headcanon Miraak is the son of Yngol Ysgramorsson and the Snow Elven Princess Niqebereth (literally "Snow Queen", I know, not very imaginative), conceived in the night before the Destruction of Saarthal, when his parents had a secret wedding ceremony. He was born when his mother was a captive of Ysgramor and was named Ysengrimm by his dying mother - about 2 weeks before Ysgramor's group of Companions came back to Yngol's tomb and founded Saarthal. You can imagine how "nice" the childhood of Ysgramor's half-elven grandson was...point is, he'd have pointy ears in my mind, but... I just imagine that they're hid beneath his hair, and I'm WAY more than good.
  1. As long as she... er, HE can serve the First Dragonborn, no complaints here
  2. Shahariel

    Farkas Can Read

    Wrong answer: N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis! Solution: Don't let him use his... brain... all alone
  3. Miraak looks really mischievious and adventurous, but Vivec... Auriel and Shor save us, what is he going to do THIS time??? Something worse than with Molag Bal???
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