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Everything posted by todd404

  1. Steamlibrary/Steamapps/appmanifest_377160.acf", right click properties , general tap , attributes , click read only this is if you don't want to update your game at this time and break mods like in skyrimse or at lest be able to update on your own time table .
    i really love the piper ones so it is time to try this one 👾
  2. i might start posting pics again and this would help , if i remember correctly i used the naming trick (a.jpg. b.jpg.)to get the order right on the pics with the edit mod i uploaded
    the voice should be the selling point , no more annoying .
  3. i love piper some what , but this just might help me connect more , iv'e come back to fo4 for a bit
    love your work, you have made my simming fun and enjoyable for a bit now , hugs
  4. (Version 2.0.7 ) some for help for QCA if using vortex you may have to Activate ESL file Manually due to it not showing up in your plugin tab C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Fallout4Custom.ini Add the following data [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= and save i ran in to AM saying it was inactive ,
  5. todd404

    fun out 4

  6. todd404


    From the album: fun out 4

  7. todd404


    From the album: fun out 4

  8. todd404


    From the album: fun out 4

  9. todd404


    From the album: fun out 4

  10. todd404


    From the album: fun out 4

  11. todd404


    From the album: fun out 4

  12. i just saw this and about died i have to try it and thank you 🥳
  13. i just love how shity people be on here , no wonder i walked off this site and dropped every thing . my point learn for your self how to make skin files with gimp ,photoshop ,and paint.net . i am completely done and no longer working on this i moved on
  14. my main obstacle is this fomod creation tool but i am going to have to learn it cause i will more than likely use it again , i hate this more than i ever hated school back in the day, class of 2007 yes i am taking notes every thing i am learning
  15. @mikaakim i know it is horrible waiting i want to get this out as soon as i can so i move on to making the other mods i had planed ones that 100% mine
  16. reworking it as an option and will be in next version as an .msn file along with two more customized skin options , i had neozeb test a quick mash up of this not my best work but quick , trying to get the right amount of muscle also learning about fomods and fomod creation , this will come in handy and add to ease of access for options choices this will delay me bit days but trust me i am not gone and have not forgotten you , and i most defiantly will have another version i am a bit embarrassed of how little i know but we have to start some where . look i never in million years thought i would be able to do what i have . i shot for the bottom of the barrel and hit the top of the barn
  17. @drakurothey were not part of the file i converted this link right here > https://vectorplexus.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=22606 from this page 3wm texture files as edited by AUTHOR Men and Muscles and not 3wm its self .
  18. when i start making my own textures i will have the hole hand in artistic choices , still learning though .
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