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Everything posted by cascade10

  1. Thank you! If you see any other issues, feel free to report them.
  2. View File Fixes for SAM Creation Club Refits This is simple mesh replacer that fixes a number of issues with the mods Creation Club outfits SAM Refit and Bodyslide and Miscellaneous Refits for Skyrim Vanilla and Creation Club SAM Light. -It fixes the missing fingernail textures on the Spell Knight, Steel Soldier, and Daedric Mail gauntlets. -It fixes the broken normal map on Wraithguard. -It adds underwear to the Lord's Mail, the Golden Saint and Dark Seducer Cuirasses, and the Morrowind-style robes. Installation: This mod requires the following mods and their requirements, as it only replaces meshes. Creation Club outfits SAM Refit and Bodyslide Miscellaneous Refits for Skyrim Vanilla and Creation Club SAM Light https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/61438 If installing manually, allow this mod to overwrite any existing files. If using a mod manager, load this mod after the preceding two. Submitter cascade10 Submitted 10/06/2023 Category The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition compatible Yes Created by Anniversary Edition compatible Yes  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This is simple mesh replacer that fixes a number of issues with the mods Creation Club outfits SAM Refit and Bodyslide and Miscellaneous Refits for Skyrim Vanilla and Creation Club SAM Light. -It fixes the missing fingernail textures on the Spell Knight, Steel Soldier, and Daedric Mail gauntlets. -It fixes the broken normal map on Wraithguard. -It adds underwear to the Lord's Mail, the Golden Saint and Dark Seducer Cuirasses, and the Morrowind-style robes. Installation: This mod requires the following mods and their requirements, as it only replaces meshes. Creation Club outfits SAM Refit and Bodyslide Miscellaneous Refits for Skyrim Vanilla and Creation Club SAM Light https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/61438 If installing manually, allow this mod to overwrite any existing files. If using a mod manager, load this mod after the preceding two.
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