About This File
Install original mod. Only download the first main file is enough for this mod to work.
Then install my mod. Bodyslide files are uploaded as a seperate file, and only download it if you need.
If you only want to use male version of this outfit pack, just don't put original mod's esp into your load order. My mod has a seperate esl flagged esp.
What's inside
One full-body outfit, one skimpy suit, one skimpy coat and one hood. Don't wear the hood with skimpy coat because the hood is only designed to wear with outfit or suit.
Where to craft
- Chemlab under "(Atomic Muscle) Black Widow Armor".
- Or you can simply use console command "Help Widow 4 FLST". Then there will be one FormID showing up in the console. Then type "player.additem XXXXXXXX" (change Xs to the FormID show up in your console) so you will get everything from this list.
- All the items can't be used by female character.
- Why a seperate esp file instead of merging into original mod esp file?
- Because I don't play female character and would not like to see female skimpy outfits loading into my save. Also original mod esp file is not esl-flagged per se. - The meshes are uploaded as .ba2 file because the bodysuit is quite high poly. In this way, it doesn't affect game performance too much.
- The coat can clip with legs when character running. But in other cases there should not be clippings.