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SAM Dizona Primal (Special Edition) 1.0.1

   (2 reviews)

7 Screenshots

About This File

This is barbarian outfit from mod Dizona.

Credit to :
Letho0036 from Nexus ( Dizona Author )

Many Dizona stuff gorgeous too and high quality. I think many of us will love it for SAM too. Even we don't use Dizona as main body, but we love sexy stuff for males from Dizona. This outfit support samson and samuel too now and HDT body. You will get Skirt, Gauntlet and Necklace.

I increased the armor rating since this outfit only 3 parts. With legendary difficulties and enchantment i'm sure this enough to bring you high defense ( but not OP ). For shoes, you can wear forsworn or just walk like tarzan barefoot no problem too. 

Do not upload this file outside Vectorplexus.

Use additem to get this outfit or console command. Type Help Primal.

Enjoy then.

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


1st Person FIx. Overwrite my mod before. This is only meshes and esp so you need textures from main mod.

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3 minutes ago, Ghoon said:

Very nice, thanks for sharing. Quick question...how can I stop male erections from poking through the armor?:/

Usually just use console command to change weight. Like Setnpcweight 50 or same value with your weight.

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1 hour ago, Don said:

Usually just use console command to change weight. Like Setnpcweight 50 or same value with your weight.

Oh IC...Thank you sir!

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Don... this is a very sexy armour set, but for some reason, I don't seem to have textures from the download. Did I need to d/l the original for texture, or did I have a failed d/l?

Nevermind... I had misapplied the esp, working now.

Even more amazing in my game!!!




P.S. your work is amazing!

Edited by zhayan13

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I love your mods but I have a problem with this one, the necklace works fine, but the gloves in first person don't exist (they're invisible) and the armor makes the body disappear with only the hands appearing and no glove, in third person however everything is right.



I wonder if I'm the only one having this issue? Or if it's a known bug.


Edited by Nathy

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4 hours ago, Nathy said:

I love your mods but I have a problem with this one, the necklace works fine, but the gloves in first person don't exist (they're invisible) and the armor makes the body disappear with only the hands appearing and no glove, in third person however everything is right.



I wonder if I'm the only one having this issue? Or if it's a known bug.


Oh i forgot this 1st person. I will load fix later.

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On 4/17/2021 at 8:29 AM, sentiao said:

When I put on argonian race lolicloth invisible.

Hey yeah I have this issue as well, invisible for argonians.

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its a good mod I love it, but evertime I crouch, they chest and stomach are caved in? I tried everything but it looks like a hdt glitch or something. when I remove the armor, they pecs are normal and dont jiggle. I dont know to get this mod to work without the hdt glitch inside this armor

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